Monday 16th June – Friday 20th June  OR  Monday 8th September – Friday 12th September

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN                                                                                     _/_/2008

This will serve to introduce to you …………………………………………………………………………,  

who will be a student at De La Salle College in Year 10 in 2008.

If you are willing to participate in this scheme, would you be kind enough to complete the section below and the ‘Work Experience Arrangement Form’ will be forwarded in due course.  There may be some further information that you require before pledging your support.  If so, please do not hesitate to telephone me at the College on

9508 2100 or email [email protected].

Thanking you for your interest and support.

Yours faithfully


Ms Sue Taylor                           Mr Paul Marshall

Careers Counsellor                     Student Counsellor


Work experience - Reply Slip
Please print clearly and complete all sections

Name of student                                                                                  Homeroom                                       
Name of company or organisation                                                                                                                 
Industry type                                                                                                                                              
Street address                                                                                                                                            
Postal address (if different)                                                                                                                            Telephone                                                                                           Fax                                                  
Contact person/s ( Mr., Mrs. or Ms)                                                                                                             
( Mr., Mrs. or Ms)                                                                                                                                       
Dates of Work Experience              Monday  16th  June - Friday 20th  June, 2008
Circle One Date                    Monday 8th September – Friday 12th  September, 2008