www.jobsearch.gov.au - Australian Job Search (government site) –general jobs and jobs where the employer particularly wants Indigenous staff.  When you get to the ‘Quick Job Search’ section click on the ‘indigenous jobs only’ box.  You will also be able to complete a resume on-line for matching against job vacancies.

www.seek.com.au- search for jobs / career resources.

www.mycareer.com.au- job search, resume builder, careers resources and employment news.

www.defencejobs.gov.au - about jobs in the Australian Defence Force.

www.careerone.com.au- create and store resumes, search for jobs.

www.mycareersmail.com.au - Register as a new user to keep informed via email.


www.getatrade.gov.au - A one-stop shop web site for students, parents and industry on skill shortage careers.

www.grouptraining.com.au - For a list of group training vacancies select and find an apprenticeship or traineeship.

www.grouptraining.ntis.gov.au - List of all Group Training organisations.

www.jobjuice.gov.au - a site especially for school leavers looking for work, it includes tips on resumes and links to information on wages, apprenticeships and volunteering.

www.jobnetwork.gov.au - Job Network information.

http://www.centrelink.gov.au/internet/internet.nsf/indigenous/programs.htm - Centrelink - indigenous programs.

www.jobwise.gov.au - mature age job seekers – links to information about jobs for mature aged job seekers.  Career and training options are also provided.

www.myfuture.edu.au - a national online careers information service.  Find out what a job does, qualifications needed and where courses are offered.  The My guide section lets you plan you own career.

www.jobguide.dest.gov.au - Department of Education, Science and Training – the Job Guide site includes hundreds of occupational profiles.

www.workplace.gov.au - Australian Workplace (government site) – find information on employment, workplace relations, government assistance, jobs, careers, training and wages.

www.apprenticeshipsplus.org.au - links people to employers for apprenticeships and traineeships.

www.dest.gov.au/sectors/career_development/publications_resources/careers_information_products.htm – Department of Education, Science and Training career information.

www.centrelink.gov.au/internet/internet.nsf/services/career_centres.htm - Career Information Centres help people make informed decisions about education, training and employment options.

www.newapprenticeships.gov.au - New Apprenticeships – provides young people with practical work and training.

https://transit.dest.gov.au/ - Jobs Pathway Program that assists young people (14-19) in making the move from school to work.

www.thesource.gov.au - links to careers advice, youth services, lifestyle and learning, money, rights and more.

www.canada.org.au - Information about studying and living in Canada



www.dest.gov.au/literacynet - Literacynet - links to three main programs to support adults with the development of language, literacy and numeracy skills for use in work, citizenship and lifelong learning.


www.llnp.dest.gov.au/ - Languages, Literacy and Numeracy Program – provides help to young job seekers with limited reading and writing skills.

www.thegoodguides.com.au - Universities – facts on every university in Australia including courses, locations and requirements.

http://year12whatnext.gov.au/ - Post-school study options

Safe@work, a web-based occupational health and safety program that all secondary school work experience students have to complete before placement
